Celebration of the Spring Equinox


E is for Equinox! Join us in celebration of the Spring (Vernal) Equinox! Bring your friends! You need not be RVUUF or UU to celebrate with us.

We will gather on Saturday, 22 March, Under the Balcony, from 1:00 to about 2:00 p.m.

Key themes of the Spring Equinox are outdoor Signs of the Season; seasonal progress of the Sun and the equality of day and night; the beauty of human Childhood; and correspondences of the Direction East.

As always, we will open the hour with Backgrounding, followed by a short Procession with the drum, and then–when seated in our Ceremonial Circle–ritual, songs, readings, Candle-lighting, and conversation.

Our (optional) Equinox ritual color is green. Wear this color if you wish, or borrow one of our green sashes.

Questions or Suggestions: call Vern Crawford (541) 631-1785