Author: Office Administrator

Passing the Baton for our Thursday Dinners

Zoe Laidlaw is stepping down and Leila Wrathall is taking over the job of organizing menus and volunteers for our Thursday dinners at RVUUF. Make Leila’s job easy by checking out this month’s menus and taking a job or two that appeals to you. Click here and to see current menus and tasks.

HO! HO! HO! Save the Date! RVUUF’s 2023 Holiday Craft Workshop Sat. Dec. 9th, 11a.m.- 2 p.m.

UPDATE: Planning meeting Oct. 8 after worship & more ways to help! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS   HO! HO! HO! Save the Date! RVUUF’s Holiday Craft Workshop is Saturday December 9th, 11a.m.- 2 p.m. As always, we will provide craft materials and instruction, and you make your own gift-worthy masterpieces! Zero crafting skill and very … Continue reading HO! HO! HO! Save the Date! RVUUF’s 2023 Holiday Craft Workshop Sat. Dec. 9th, 11a.m.- 2 p.m.

Join RVUUFians for ‘Circle Mirror Transformation’ at Rogue Theatre Company on Sun, Sept 17th

RVUUF Improv Troupe Plans Field Trip to observe “Circle Mirror Transformation”, a play exploring how actors prepare for roles via improv exercises.  Interested thespians, wanna be’s, and curious folks are encouraged to check out the following link: Rogue Theatre Company and purchase tickets for a showing.  If you want to carpool for the Sunday, Sept. … Continue reading Join RVUUFians for ‘Circle Mirror Transformation’ at Rogue Theatre Company on Sun, Sept 17th

3rd Sunday Social Justice Offering for Sept 2023: So. OR Land Conservancy

The Southern Oregon Land Conservancy’s (SOLC) mission is to conserve and enhance land in Southern Oregon to sustain our human and natural communities forever. As Oregon’s first regional, nonprofit land trust, SOLC has been collaborating with local landowners since 1978 to create conservation easements — a legal agreement that safeguards their lands in perpetuity. What … Continue reading 3rd Sunday Social Justice Offering for Sept 2023: So. OR Land Conservancy

Autumn Equinox Ritual 2023: Sat, Sept 23, 10-11:20am @ RVUUF

You and your friends are warmly invited to our next Seasonal Ritual: The Autumnal Equinox. (Eleven attended our successful Lughnasa Ritual in August. Some were RVUUFians, some not.) On this Equinox we will celebrate key themes: Elderhood, Wisdom, Balance, and the Direction West. And of course, Signs of the Season–if you wish, bring a fruit, … Continue reading Autumn Equinox Ritual 2023: Sat, Sept 23, 10-11:20am @ RVUUF