Author: Office Administrator


Some of RVUUF’s congregation members have been receiving emails coming from fellow congregation members’ email addresses… which have either been hacked (the email address is correct, but a scammer wrote the message), or faked (the email address is just slightly different than the real thing, and a scammer wrote the message). Please use extra caution when opening emails from anyone, and if it looks … Continue reading EMAIL SCAMS ON THE RISE


Did you know that RVUUF’s Sexton, Scott Engel, can be hired by YOU to do all sorts of handyman work?! Feel free to call or text him if you have any variety of jobs that need to get done! 209-244-5464

Celebrate Winter Solstice, Dec 23

Celebrate the Winter Solstice with RVUUF’s Seasonal Rituals Group! All RVUUF members and their guests are welcome to join us on Saturday, December 23, under the balcony in RVUUF’s Great Hall from 1pm to 2pm. We do Circle ritual, music, and poetry (bring your favorite seasonal poem). Our themes include Signs of the Season; Mid-Winter; Deep Night and Least Light; … Continue reading Celebrate Winter Solstice, Dec 23

Broken Furnaces, Bundle Up

The two old furnaces that heat the Great Hall, lobby, front office, kitchen, library, conference room and restrooms are broken and need to be replaced. Last Sunday (December 17) we had portable heaters on during services and available for meetings, but it was STILL CHILLY inside… so please stay bundled up inside as needed! We’ll keep you posted about when we have … Continue reading Broken Furnaces, Bundle Up

Email Scams on the Rise

Some of RVUUF’s congregation members have been receiving emails coming from fellow congregation members’ email addresses… which have either been hacked (the email address is correct, but a scammer wrote the message), or faked (the email address is just slightly different than the real thing, and a scammer wrote the message). Please use extra caution when opening emails from … Continue reading Email Scams on the Rise

Sexton Scott Available As Handyman

Did you know that RVUUF’s sexton, Scott Engel, can be hired by YOU to do all sorts of handyman work?! Feel free to call or text him at 209-244-5464 if you have any variety of jobs that need to get done!

Broken Furnaces, Bundle Up

The two old furnaces that heat the Great Hall, lobby, front office, kitchen, library, conference room and restrooms are broken and need to be replaced. We’ll have portable heaters on during services and available for meetings, but please also stay bundled up inside as needed! We’ll keep you posted about when we have heat in those spaces again. The newer … Continue reading Broken Furnaces, Bundle Up