Author: Office Administrator


Our long time member, friend and centenarian, Margaret St. Clair, has returned to her home. She loves to receive cards and mail. Since she can’t come to us, let us shower her with cards of good cheer well wishes. Her address is 457 Walnut St. Ashland, OR 97520  – Lorraine Linder, Caring Team

NEIGHBORHOOD TEAMS: It Takes a Village to Have a Sunday Service

Did you know that RVUUF’s Neighborhood Team volunteers are vital contributors to every Sunday Service? They’re the ones greeting folks, passing out programs, passing the offering basket, bringing and setting out the snacks for Coffee Hour, making coffee, and cleaning up afterward! RVUUF has 5 Neighborhood Teams, so each team only does that helpful work … Continue reading NEIGHBORHOOD TEAMS: It Takes a Village to Have a Sunday Service

LIFESPAN LEARNING – Creative Learning Experience for ALL Ages

RVUUF volunteers have begun tackling the renovation of the main Religious Explorations (RE) classroom into a welcoming space for Lifespan Learning classes and workshops. Their aim is to make it an open, airy, clean and well-organized studio to facilitate creative learning experiences for all ages. Meanwhile, several members have voiced interest in offering courses in … Continue reading LIFESPAN LEARNING – Creative Learning Experience for ALL Ages


The Caring Team is again active. When you learn of a RVUUF member with health concerns and/or would like visitors, please pass the information on to Judy Krogh: 530-906-9780 Also, anyone interested in joining the Care Team please contact Delores Nims: 541-621-2995 – Lorraine Linder, Caring Team


Did you know that RVUUF’s Sexton, Scott Engel, can be hired by YOU to do all sorts of handyman work?! Feel free to call or text him if you have any variety of jobs that need to get done! 209-244-5464