Our Elected Leaders

Board of Directors for 2024-2025:

  • Donna Barrett, President
  • Kenny Andersen, Secretary
  • Tom Ferrel, Treasurer
  • Jim Meckel, Member
  • Nancy Roberts, Member
  • Leila Wrathall, Member

RVUUF was formally organized on Nov. 15, 1953. It is an autonomous congregation and governs itself using bylaws that were created when the fellowship became a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of congregations.

RVUUF is governed by a Board of Directors. The congregation votes on a slate of names from the membership at the annual meeting, which is usually near the end of the the fiscal year (July-June). A Nominating Committee is elected by the congregation and is charged with presenting names for election of the Board of Directors. Committees, teams and groups oversee many vital functions, and report their activities to the Board.

Board Governance Initiative 2024

Several years “BC” (Before Covid) the RVUUF Board of Trustees embarked on an effort to finally implement a “governance” system at the Fellowship.  Governance systems are commonplace for most U.U. Churches/Fellowships and provide important organizational information to guide the smooth operation of religious communities.

At that time, the entire Congregation was involved in first determining a “Mission” for the Fellowship and subsequently formulating what are called “Ends Statements”.  Ends Statements are not so much goals, but are rather meant to reflect what the Congregation would like see RVUUF be if ever it gets to be that “shining Fellowship on a hill” in Ashland, Oregon.  They reflect our ideals, our hopes and our dreams for the future.

So just what is a Governance Document?  A Governance Document is not a statement of the Bylaws (which are the legal rules by which we must operate), nor is it a statement of our Policies & Procedures (which define the mechanics of how detailed functions get done at the Fellowship).  Rather, a Governance Document defines “how” we interact as an Organization to get things done.  It clearly defines the governing functions of the organization – which, in the case of RVUUF are the Board, Minister, and Covenant Committee (the “Tripod”) and details their Responsibilities, Authority, and Accountability.  It also defines how they interact with one another to govern the Fellowship, how we evaluate the job we are all doing in accomplishing our Mission in pursuit of our Ends, and also the role the Congregation must take in determining the future of the Fellowship.

A preliminary draft of a Governance Document for RVUUF  has now been provided to the Tripod for consideration (See attached below).  The document reflects of a wealth of Congregational input over the course of many years – both formal and informal – and is the product of an effort that was undertaken by several Congregants – Donna Barrett, Kenny Andersen, Dave Baker, and Alex Lukacs.  As a RVUUF Congregant, please do feel free to provide your input to Tripod Members as they move forward to draft a final document that fully reflects the mechanisms by which the Congregation will operate.  The final document may be something very similar to this preliminary draft, or could be something quite different.  It all depends on you.

As you do this, keep in mind our Fifth Principal:  The Right of Conscience and the Use of the Democratic Process Within Our Congregations and in Society at Large.

Your input is integral to ensuring that Democracy continues to thrive within our Congregation.

May the Force be with You!


Our Governance

Board/Tripod Meeting Minutes

Archives: 2015-2018, 2001-2014

Congregational Meeting Minutes

Annual Reports

Financial Statements

Policies and Procedures

Legacy Circle
The Arthur Kreisman Legacy Circle was established in 2007 to honor members and friends who have given significantly above and beyond Operating Fund pledges. Contributions that qualify for this Circle are: (1) a bequest in the form of a CGA, an entry in a will, an IRA, or a Life Insurance policy; or (2) cash or other hard assets. In all cases the beneficiaries would be either RVUUF or the RVUUF Endowment Trust. The minimum amount to qualify is $5,000.