A Note from our Board President, Diane Werich

To see all your faces on Sunday at our zoom service was very moving to me. So many of the people I love on two screens coming together to comfort each other and to share the sorrow. Then, there is the rolling up of the sleeves to care for our whole devastated community which you are already doing. Sheltering those who lost their homes and all within, those who need clothes, food, diapers and money and much more. We will have our work cut out for us for years.

But if we go back to business as usual, we will have lost a golden opportunity to make the world a more just and livable place. We must find better ways to organize our world that includes all as full fledged bona fide members. We need to care for our earth home. If we look at our principles we can see how our world does not reflect those values and dare I say it, we have not reflected our own values. We can see all who are left out. We can see all who are pushed out, abused and even murdered. We can see our earth home being decimated. Our eyes have been opened in some very harsh ways but they are open at long last and our religious work has begun in earnest.

Our General Assembly reflected this new awakening and dedication. The UU World brought that home to those of us who could not attend. It is a strange place to be filled with sorrow and yet filled with hope at a possible new world. Everyone of us, no matter what our capabilities are more than able to contribute. Look for those opportunities embedded in our sorrows. They are there. Imagine a world that shines with our 7 principles.

In Faith and Love,
Diane Werich
President RVUUF Board of Trustees