We have completed the first third of our church year and are nearing the end of another month. Pledge income so far this church year has lagged significantly behind what pledges had led us to expect. Unlike many other organizations, but like many churches, RVUUF has few reserves to compensate for the inevitable variation in income from one month to another.
If you have fallen behind on your pledge, please consider catching up now. And if you are right on pace, please consider advancing your payment to be a bit ahead of schedule. And some of you may be looking for another charitable donation to reduce your tax obligation for calendar year 2022. Please consider RVUUF as an appropriate recipient for your generosity. Remember, it is only through the generosity of our congregants and friends that we are able to do, continue, and expand the various activities we have in process to improve our own community and reach out to improve the community around us in Southern Oregon. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Roger Howe, RVUUF Treasurer