Covenant Committee or CC

The Covenant Committee promotes the well-being of the Congregation’s total ministry. We support the healthy resolution of conflicts within the Congregation, honoring the covenant with compassion and understanding. We are one leg of the Tripod, complementing the Board and the Minister.

Members: Suzanne Andersen (chair of the committee), Jeff Platt, Marika Mooyman, and Aleyda Mark

We heal, not in isolation, but in togetherness.

If you know of anyone who might need extra support, please let us know. You can call or email any of our members, or if you use Breeze you can send an email directly to all committee members at once. Type “convenant” in the Breeze search bar at the top right, then click on “Covenant Committee” when it appears. This will open up the list of committee members. In the righthand column, click “email” and a “Compose Message” box will pop up – just like a regular email program. You can then type in your message and click “send”.