Dear friends and family of Jim and Me,
I have been organizing a zoom Celebration of Life service for Jim. It will be Saturday the 20th at 2:00. Mine and Jim’s Unitarian Reverend will be hosting the meeting. There will be a chronological slide video of Jim’s life and loved activities carefully created by my sister and a special song sung by, who Jim used to lovingly call our granddaughter. Kari has had a lot of singing experience and has a very special song for the occasion. Then there will be sharing of stories from family and friends.
You are invited to attend. There is no rsvp, so you don’t need to respond. [The link can be found at the end of this email]. It is easy to download zoom if you don’t already have it, then the link I send in the next email will be in blue print. Just click on the link a few minutes before 2:00 and wait for the host, my Reverend, to let you in. Be patient, there will be at least 50 people attending and it will take him a little time to let everyone in.
Sorry if this is doesn’t work for you, but this is the best way we could safely reach the most people and distant relatives.
I’m excited to be able to do this for Jim and all our loved ones. Hope to see you there!
Love, Beverly Cossolias
Link for service:
Meeting ID: 850 0288 2716
Passcode: 749587
for audio only:
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,85002882716#,,,,*749587# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 850 0288 2716
Passcode: 749587