Accessibility Task Force forming at RVUUF

An Accessibility Task Force is forming at RVUUF, to ensure that everyone is truly a welcome member of this beloved community. This will be a separate group from the busy Buildings, Aesthetics, and Grounds, but the two groups will consult together as needed. It is an ad-hoc task force, forming to achieve accessibility upgrades to RVUUF’s main building.

The Task Force will conduct a “needs assessment” of RVUUF’s main building, explore feasibility, steps, costs, legal (ADA, local) requirements for upgrading, compile a “wish list” of upgrades, prioritize them, present them to the RVUUF congregation along with recommendations, facilitate decision-making, engage a contractor and oversee construction of upgrades.

(Two suggested preliminary priorities are: bathroom access (larger doors in the hall) and curb access and painted curb. City of Ashland engineering technician Kevin Golden met on-site at RVUUF on Sept. 14, and provided information and structural recommendations for curb access in front.)

If you like working together to achieve justice and equity tangible results, or if you have any questions, use RVUUF’s contact form to connect with Jackie Rosen.