Interfaith Social Justice Coalition meets on Feb. 12

The Interfaith Social Justice Coalition, of which RVUUF is a member, will meet from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12, at the Ashland First Congregational United Church of Christ, located at 717 Siskiyou Blvd. in Ashland.

This month, the coalition will have a presentation and discussion about ideas, skills and organizing concepts to build and grow its capacity for social justice action within its own congregations and as an interfaith coalition.

Diane Werich and Rich Rohde will talk about strategies and organizing models that social justice leaders can use to recruit additional leaders and move the work from the periphery to the center of their congregations.

The coalition will also look at some proven best practices of other social justice coalitions with the aim of finding collaborative strategies. Representatives of each congregation are encouraged to share their successes, their challenges, and their aspirations.