What are we doing here anyway? Dan Hotchkiss states in his book, Governance and Ministry, “The owner that the board must serve is this congregation’s mission. A congregation’s bottom line is the degree to which the mission is achieved.” So if our mission is so important, do you know what it is?
One of the Board’s goals/objectives for this year is to review the mission/vision. An ad-hoc team has been formed comprised of Krynn Lukacs, Sara Reynolds, and Patty Duggan. They are researching and developing a process to tackle this project after the first of the year.
What do you think RVUUF is called to do at this time in its life? We need people to input ideas and connect to the mission that evolves. To the degree that we all embody and live our mission, RVUUF will be dynamic, healthy and thriving.
Delores Nims
RVUUF Board President
Purpose, Vision & Mission Statements
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Fellowship is to foster liberal religious living through worship, study, service and fellowship both within our Congregation and in the larger community.
OUR VISION: An open community practicing compassion, nurturing spirit, living justice and protecting the earth.
THE MISSION of the Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is to Nurture a community of love that honors religious diversity and freedom of thought;
- Encourage personal and spiritual growth through worship, fellowship, education and outreach;
- Engage the wider community through social action and promotion of social justice;
- Participate in the Unitarian Universalist Association to support its prophetic vision; and
- Contribute to the goal of a global community that respects the interdependent web of all existence.