It’s Almost Here!

Our biggest event of the year is the FunRaiser this Sunday, March 23. And the Auction Catalog is Here NOW! Click the link and you’ll be taken to a PDF that you can download onto your computer or mobile device.
The size of the catalogue and number of offerings reflects your enthusiasm, and we couldn’t be more grateful. The creativity and generosity of so many of you has made this a truly exciting event. Please review the offerings in the catalogue, make your choices and get prepared to bid on Sunday, March 23rd after the Music Service.
Get a Proxy or Be a Proxy
Can’t make it to RVUUF on the 23rd? You also have an opportunity to bid via proxy by sending the email text below to one of your fellow RVUUFians with an understanding between you about what you want to bid on, and what your maximum bid is. Get your friends, neighbors and family involved in some of these fun activities and events being offered too. Bring them to the service and the auction after, or have them send you a proxy email so you can bid for them as well. Printouts of Proxy emails must be provided at registration so that those bidders receive their own bidding number.
Now, go ahead and download that catalogue and start finding your MUST HAVES. Be sure to read the Playbook and Timeline inside the catalogue as well to find out what to do to start bidding and when to pay for your hard won items.
See you there!
(Proxy email text to print out below)
I,  __(your name)__________________________, confirm that ___(their name)__________ may bid on items at the RVUUF FUNraising event on my behalf. I have discussed with them the items and
 maximum amounts I wish to bid on in each item, and acknowledge that I will pay for all won items no later than April 10, 2025.
Signed:  _____________________________________________
Date:  ____________________________