Andy Bayliss reported that his mother, Mary Lou, passed away Tuesday night 2/25. Mary Lou Bayliss was a long time member of RVUUF and loved by many of us. Our hearts and sympathy go out to Andy who took such loving care of his mother.
From Her Son Andy:
Mom passed away today this morning while I was with her here at the house.
I wanted you to know, and I also want you to know that I very much appreciate your commitment to her to get her to things.
Please let the folks at the UU know, especially Janet Dolan, Jan Wate, And Carola Lacey, who reached out many times these last few years.
I’ll let you all know if and when we have a memorial. I think it’s doubtful because mom really didn’t want one. I am in grief and shock. I had a meal with her less than a week ago. and then many hours at her bedside after she failed to wake up last Thursday.
There is no need to bring by any food because it’s just me here and it might go to waste.
Best regards, Andy