Month: October 2015

Rally in Medford and SOPride Parade, photos

Photos by Rev. Nan White Rev. Nan White was part of an Ashland Interfaith Clergy group that proclaimed Medford “No Place for Hate,” Saturday, Oct. 10. The rally took place as a counter to an anti-Muslim event. Afterward, members of RVUUF marched in the Southern Oregon Pride Parade.

‘Sleep Out Fundraiser’ for Families in Need

Option for Homeless Residents of Ashland (OHRA) is sponsoring its second annual “Sleep Out Fundraiser” on Saturday, Nov. 7. The event will take place at the athletic field of the former Lincoln Elementary School at Beach and Henry Streets.

‘Socks Plus’ donation drive

Looking for a way to support Ashland’s Pioneer Hall homeless shelter? The shelter will open in mid-November, and RVUUF’s Religious Explorations youth will assemble kits of useful items for the adults who will be sheltered there.

Rally in Medford on Saturday

Last week’s shootings in Roseburg has impacted our lives in many ways, along with the threats at our educational institutions in the Rogue Valley. These acts stir up fear, uncertainty, and judgment in ways that keep us at bay from each other or going about our business as usual. Life as we once knew it … Continue reading Rally in Medford on Saturday

2015 Women’s Retreat cancelled

This year’s Women’s Retreat has been cancelled. “Next year is full of possibilities,” according to an announcement in this week’s “News to Note.”