Boundaries, Limits, and Safeguards
When Unitarian Universalists speak of being centered in Love, what does that mean? How do we embody Love that protects the vulnerable, demands justice, and doesn’t surrender to bullies or the fear they spread? Rev. Sean explores ways we can strengthen our image of Love to include this kind of strength?
Welcoming Congregation
RVUUF has been recognized by the Unitarian Universalist Association as a Welcoming Congregation. It welcomes and celebrates the presence and participation of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer.
Free-Thinker Friendly Congregation
The Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship has been designated Freethinker Friendly welcoming atheists, agnostics and other non-theists, by the UU Humanist Association.
RVUUF on Breeze
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RVUUF Online Pledge Form
Your pledges support RVUUF’s mission, goals, and activities. More than 70 percent of RVUUF’s operating budget comes from its members. We need you, as Reverend Sean often says, to “give until it feels good!” And we thank you so much for your contributions.Click here to complete our online pledge form.