Author: Web Editor

NEW: Kid SOUUP! A monthly chance for So. OR UU kids to connect on Zoom starts 12/6 @ 10am

RE Teachers & our Southern OR UU Partnership (SOUUP) Intern Minister Alison are teaming up to offer young people in our three SOUUP congregations (and any interested friends!) a chance to meet up for chalice lighting, roses and thorns (aka joys and sorrows), and more. On the first Sunday of each month, we’ll open up … Continue reading NEW: Kid SOUUP! A monthly chance for So. OR UU kids to connect on Zoom starts 12/6 @ 10am

With Malice Toward None: An Opportunity to Connect After the Election

NOTE DATE CHANGE: This event will now take place Sunday, November 15th, in the afternoon. Congregations of the Southern Oregon UU Partnership are invited to participate in a Zoom session to process our experiences of the election on the afternoon of Sunday, November 15th in the afternoon, exact time to be determined. Rev. Cynthia O’Brien … Continue reading With Malice Toward None: An Opportunity to Connect After the Election